Get Your Feet Wet
“So the people of
Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of
water on each side!”
(Exodus 14:22, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When Joshua and the
Israelites needed to get across the Jordan River, God said He would open it
up, but they had to get their feet wet before the waters parted. They could
have sat back and thought, “As soon as God opens it, then we’ll walk toward
it. It doesn’t make sense to go now. The river is still flowing. Everything
is normal. Nothing is unusual.” No, they took a step of faith and started
walking toward the water. I can imagine when water got up to their ankles
they thought, “What are we doing walking into a river? We could drown.” Water
got up to their knees and thoughts said, “You’d better turn around. You’re
making a mistake.” Water up to their waist. They just kept walking. What is
that? Bold obedience. About that time, the river supernaturally parted. They
walked into their promised land.
In the same way, if you’re
going to make it to your promised land, it’s going to take this bold
obedience. You’re not always going to understand what God is doing. God is
not always logical. Faith is not in your head; faith is in your heart. You’ve
got to turn your mind off and listen to what God is saying in your heart.
Take a step of faith. Get your feet wet and move forward into the blessing
and victory He has in store for you!
Father, thank You
for parting the waters and leading me in victory! I choose to take a step of
faith; I choose to obey You. I choose to step out into the water knowing that
you have a good plan for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel &
Victoria Osteen