Change is good

Change definition - to become different. 

Why are so many people afraid of change ? Change is good. If one

 is not changing then that means they are

 staying the same.  Many times our family and  friends are upset 

when we change (oh well), as you grow and move into your 

purpose remember that everyone can not come with you. So many 

will be left along the way. Continue to change for

 the better and grow into to the person GOD has created you to be. 

One should forever be changing.  Don't be afraid to renew your 

mind... transform your mind... 


Romans 12:2  ESV Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed

 by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, 

what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Be Blessed - 

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