Ok Valentines Day is over.....
No more commercials about love .....
No more hearts and flowers ....
As Christians we know that Valentines Day does not dicatate when we show love.
Today and everyday we should walk in love....
God still loves you - the same today as he did yesterday - lets walk in love today - if its new for you take baby steps and start by walking in love for an hour then increase as you grow in Christ ...
Its truly a "Heart Thing" .......
No more commercials about love .....
No more hearts and flowers ....
As Christians we know that Valentines Day does not dicatate when we show love.
Today and everyday we should walk in love....
God still loves you - the same today as he did yesterday - lets walk in love today - if its new for you take baby steps and start by walking in love for an hour then increase as you grow in Christ ...
Its truly a "Heart Thing" .......
“If anyone has this
world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow
believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the
love of God live and remain in him? Let us not love [merely] in theory or in
speech but in deed and in truth.”
(1 John 3:17–18,
Be blessed and walk in love