Get Ready for a Shift!
“I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.”
(Isaiah 48:3, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that one touch of God’s favor can put you 50 years down the road? You can be at a lower position at work, just going along being your best, honoring God, and suddenly, things can change. One good break, one idea, one person who likes you, and suddenly, you find yourself at the top. You didn’t see it coming. Things just fell into place. That’s God shifting things in your favor.
Friend, God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings that will cause you to suddenly meet the right person, suddenly you’ll see your health improve, suddenly you’re able to pay your house off. What happened? You came into a shift. God breathed in your direction. What used to be a struggle is not a struggle anymore. What should have taken years happened in a fraction of the time.
Today, get ready for a shift! Start with a shift in your thinking. Don’t dwell on how things are going to work out. Shift your focus to how things will work out. Shift your focus to what God will do, and get ready to shift your life into the favor and blessing God has in store for you!
Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. I lift up my eyes to You and declare that I am ready. I am ready for unexpected blessing. I am ready for increase. I am ready for the supernatural shift You have prepared for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen
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