
Showing posts from February, 2013
Breaking Strongholds TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Scripture tells us that there is a battle going on in our minds. Our thoughts dictate our actions. That’s why the enemy will do everything he can to get you thinking in the wrong direction. Sometimes, it’s not our own thoughts that are holding us back; sometimes it’s that we’ve believed the negative things that other people have spoken over us. Those words are like seeds. If you dwell on them long enough, they’ll take root and become a reality. In life, there will always be people telling you what cannot be done, speaking negative things. Too often we latch on to those negative words and develop what the scripture calls a “stronghold.” That’s ...
Choose Your Friends Wisely TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’ ” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Sometimes, in order to embrace the destiny God has in store, you have to be willing to make some changes in your life. You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to move forward. This may mean that you need to change some friends that you’re spending time with. Maybe they were fine for a season in your life, but now you’ve outgrown them. This is a new season, and in order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. You have to develop some new relationships with people who are going to pull you up and inspire you to rise higher. And, this doesn’t just mean separating yourself from people who are holdin...
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind...” (Romans 12:2, AMP) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Many people today don’t realize that the reason they’re not happy, the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because they’ve trained their minds in the wrong direction. They’ve programmed their minds to worry. They’ve programmed their minds to complain. They’ve programmed their minds to see the negative. But just as we can train our mind to focus on the negative, we can also reprogram our minds to focus on the positive. It all depends on what you meditate on. When we meditate on the Word of God, we reprogram our minds. When we meditate on God’s goodness, we are developing a right mindset. When we choose to be gra...

Quote for today

"Sometimes we develop grand concepts of what happiness might look like for us, but if we pay attention, we can see that there are little symbols of happiness in every breath that we take." —  His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa
The weekend is finally here... so much to do so little time. As Parents we can sometime get so busy with helping and assiting others that we forget to take time for ourselves. This weekend find time for a book ...take a walk ...go to the movies..get a you !!!! it may soud selfish but the reality is if you are not your best self how can you give your best.....Have a blessed weekend !! live ... love ...laugh

Quote of the day .....

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not on our circumstances."   —  Martha Washington
Here’s the Way! TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “ ‘ can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ ” (John 14:5–6, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Do you need direction in your life today? Jesus said, “I am the way.” Not only is He the Way to life in eternity, but Jesus is a Waymaker here on earth. He is the way to everything you need in this life. Do you need to know the way out of debt? Do you need to know the way to having better relationships...the way to overcome an addiction…to live in peace and joy? When you know Jesus, you know the Way! No matter what you are facing today, no matter what challenges or obstacles are in your life, trust that He will make a way for you. Even when you don’t see how, trust that He is working. Trust that He loves you so much...

An Exclusive Interview with Bishop Philip Bonaparte and Lance Colkmire of the Evangel Pathway Press

Please enjoy this incredible article, pages 22-23, interviewing Pastor, Philip Bonaparte M.D. in the Evangel - Pathway Press, as he talks about, Ministering to Soul and Body. .   God Bless!   received via email from Minister Sherine Titus  


Ok Valentines Day is over..... No more commercials about love ..... No more hearts and flowers .... As Christians we know that Valentines Day does not dicatate when we show love. Today and everyday we should walk in love.... God still loves you - the same today as he did yesterday - lets walk in love today - if its new for  you take baby steps  and start by walking in love for an hour then increase as you grow in Christ ... Its truly a "Heart Thing" ....... “If anyone has this world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? Let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:17–18, AMP)   Be blessed and walk in love  

Happy Valentine 's Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!! The day we celebrate love.......lets show love everyday not just today. However if nobody told you today let me start by saying Jesus loves you and so do I. Happy Valentines Day
You Are Priceless TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...” (Psalm 139:14, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria A few years ago, I was having dinner with some people in their home. I noticed some paintings on the wall. To me, they weren’t very impressive. In fact, some of them looked like they had been painted by a child. They were abstract and modern, and it appeared like paint had been just thrown here and there. But later that evening, the owner mentioned how he had paid over a million dollars for just one of those paintings. I looked at it again and thought, “Wow! That is beautiful, isn’t it?” I found out it was an original, painted by the famous artist Pablo Picasso. What dawned on me th...


The dictionary defines love as : 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. The bible defines love as : 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 ( New International Version ) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (NIV) Love is a beautiful thing - "If you dont know love cant show love" ...... Be blessed

Have a blessed weekend

Have a blessed weekend !!!   Life an abundant life !!!   You are a  gem in God's eyes   Why are so many Christians walking around with their heads hanging down ?   God promised us a new  life - an abundant life  for those who are born again, so why are you so sad.... Live and LIVE ON PURPOSE !!   one of my favorite songs is by Jill Scott titled "Golden" allow me to share some of  the lyrics :   I'm taking my freedom Pulling it off the shelf - Putting it on my chain- Wearing it 'round my neck I'm taking my freedom- Putting it in my car- Wherever I choose to go - It will take me far   I'm living my life like it's golden................................   I'm holding on to my freedom- Can't take it from me- I was born into it and it comes naturally- I'm strumming my own freedom- Playing the God in me- Representing His glory- Hope He's proud of me,    
Unexpected Shifts TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria I know a man who had been out of work for over three years. He’s in construction management. For 25 years, he had a very good position at a successful company. But a few years ago when the economy went down, they had to let him go. He ended up taking a much lower level position in a small city and had to travel a couple of hours every day to work. It was taking a toll on his health, his marriage and his savings. It looked like things would never change. But about six months ago, his former boss called and said, “Hey, a...

Quote of the day

February 6, 2013 "The hardest times to choose love become the very times that you can most grow spiritually." —  Gary Zukav

Super Woman aka Super Mom

Prayer is essential You can't be Super Woman-without being Lois Lane .... Remember who you are and take time for yourself be blessed
The Year of Acceleration TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” (Psalm 84:11, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria I believe with all my heart that this year, God’s people are coming into a shift. For those who have been faithful and have honored and obeyed God, I declare that He is going to put you in a position that you could not have ever gotten into on your own. He is bestowing favor and honor in a fresh, new way! I declare that this year, doors are going to open for you that have not opened before. What should have taken you 40 years to accomplish, God is going to do in a split second. I declare you are coming into acceleration. Suddenly, a dream will come to pass. Suddenly, a promise will be fulfilled. Suddenl...
Get Ready for a Shift! TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.” (Isaiah 48:3, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Did you know that one touch of God’s favor can put you 50 years down the road? You can be at a lower position at work, just going along being your best, honoring God, and suddenly, things can change. One good break, one idea, one person who likes you, and suddenly, you find yourself at the top. You didn’t see it coming. Things just fell into place. That’s God shifting things in your favor. Friend, God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings that will cause you to suddenly meet the right person, suddenly you’ll see your health improve, suddenly you’re able to pay...