Before You Were Born
“Before I formed you
in the womb I knew [and] approved of you...”
(Jeremiah 1:5, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that God was
thinking about you before you were ever born? He knew everything about you
before you were in your mother’s womb. He created you on purpose, for a
purpose. He carefully planned who you would be, the color of your hair, the
color of your eyes and skin. He gave you gifts, talents and abilities to be
used for His glory. He took one look at you and said, “Approved.”
No matter how you may be
feeling right now, no matter who’s approval you didn’t get on this earth,
know that Almighty God loves you and approves of you today. There’s nothing
you can do now or ever to change that. You may be thinking, “I’ve made so
many mistakes, how can God approve of me?” Understand that when God sees you,
He separates you from your behavior. He may not approve of your actions all
the time, but He desires to help you grow and make better choices.
Today, receive His love and
acceptance. Allow Him to work in your life. Allow His love to empower and
strengthen you because you are approved and equipped to live in victory all
the days of your life!
Heavenly Father,
thank You for approving me and empowering me by Your love. I open my heart
and mind to Your truth and invite You to have Your way in my life. Remove
anything that would hold me back from all You have in store in Jesus’ name.
— Joel &
Victoria Osteen
Today's word
Trusting God – Do you have faith –? What is faith – faith gives substance to the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So how is ones faith tested –? When the going gets tough do we abandon our God – do we jump ship because we are “going through” The answer is NO , as Christians we must keep the faith – even when it does not look good or feel good – you have to know its working for the good – you must learn the lesson – the season of testing – your harvest season is over – it’s time for reaping your reward – you stood the good fight - they lied on you, they cheated on you, they ignored you, your finances fell so below it’s a wonder you are still standing- and yet through it all you kept harvesting and trusting – storing up on his word and planting good seeds. The bible says : Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 - For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to pl...