Be Blessed

A New Season
of Goodness
“The tongue can bring death or life...”
(Proverbs 18:21, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God wants to do new and incredible things in your life! He has a new season of goodness in store for you today. The power to see His plan come to pass in your life is found in the power of your words. When you get in agreement with God, when you say what He says, that’s when things will change in your life.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue. No one else chooses your words but you! You can speak forth seeds of life or seeds of death. What you have in your life today is a direct result of your words in the past, and what you will see in the future is a direct result of what you are speaking today.
Why don’t you choose to bless your future? Why don’t you choose to declare that it’s a new season? Why don’t you choose to speak what God speaks and believe that He has a new season of goodness in store for you today?!
Father, today I choose to speak words of life over my future. I know that You have a good plan for me, and so I get in agreement with that plan. It’s a new season; it’s a new day, and I declare Your goodness and blessing are coming my way in Jesus’ name! Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

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