
Showing posts from July, 2014

Be Blessed

If the devil is knocking at your front door, let Jesus answer it! God expects spiritual fruit, not religious nuts! 2 Great Truths: 1) There is a God… 2) You’re not Him! T.G.I.F. - Thank God I'm Forgiven! Be Blessed .... 
Don’t Settle Where You Are TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “...No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria God did not create you to live a little life with little dreams, little goals, little passion, little influence. God thinks big. He thinks abundance. He thinks expansive. He told the Israelites, “I am bringing you into a wide land, a spacious land flowing with milk and honey.” God has something bigger, something better, something more rewarding in front of you. Don’t get comfortable where you are. It’s easy to think, “Well, God’s blessed me. I’m happy. I’m healthy. I have no complaints.” That’s good to always be grateful. You should learn to be happy where you are, but don’t settle where you are. God never performs His great...
God’s Dream for Your Life TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “ ‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the LORD. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.’ ” (Isaiah 55:8, NLT) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria We all have dreams and goals. We do our best to stretch our faith and believe that one day, if we work hard enough, get the right breaks or meet the right people, we’ll see that dream come to pass. In our mind, that would be big. A great accomplishment. But, what’s big to us is not big to God. He created the universe. He spoke worlds into existence. God’s dream for your life is so much bigger than your own. See, we think ordinary; God thinks extraordinary! Today, whatever you’re dreaming about, whatever you’re believing for, know that God’s dream for your life is far greater. He wants to supersize it. He’s an overf...
Mustard-Seed Faith TODAY’S SCRIPTURE "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the see’ and it will obey you." (Luke 17:6. NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria A mustard seed is a very small thing. But when it’s planted, it grows into a huge tree. In the same way, Jesus is saying in this verse that a little bit of faith can bring tremendous results! Think about this: As a believer, you already have enough faith on the inside of you to overcome any obstacle. It doesn’t matter if you grew up in church or not; it doesn’t matter what you know or don’t know; God wants to work in your life today. You may not see how things will work out, and that’s okay. All you have to do is believe God. With God, all things are possible! Today, put your faith into action by decl...
Growing Strong in Faith TODAY’S SCRIPTURE "No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God." (Romans 4:20, ESV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria In scripture, Abraham’s circumstances were beyond his control. He was way too old to have a child, but God promised him that he would have a son. What did he do while he was waiting? Scripture says, “He grew strong in faith by giving praise to God.” He got up every morning and said, “Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You that my baby is on its way. Thank You that You are faithful to Your Word.” He kept thanking God for what he heard in his spirit, and eventually, the promise came to pass. Like Abraham, God has put dreams in your heart. He has spoken promises over you. Deep down you believe it will happen, bu...
He Doesn’t Need a Cloud TODAY’S SCRIPTURE "Is anything too hard for the LORD? . . ." (Genesis 18:14, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria One day, we were in the backyard on a beautiful, sunny day. We were just enjoying the blue sky when all of the sudden, out of nowhere, it began to rain even though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was as blue as can be. The sun was out and very bright. But for about three minutes, there was this downpour. We thought, “Where in the world is this rain coming from?” It was like God was saying, “I can make it rain whenever I want to. I can use a little cloud, a big cloud or no cloud. I’m God. I’m the All Powerful Creator of the universe. When I say rain, I don’t need a cloud. When I say healing, I don’t have to have medicine. When I say promotion, I don’t need your boss’s approval. When I say...

You Win

Happy Friday  No matter what it looks like or what it feels like remember the enemy does not win !! God never said that weapons won't form he said they won't prosper - so go ahead and smile in the face of adversity because you got the victory - God is amazing and his word is true - he will give you back everything the devil stole - just let him restore you - I dare you ... Trust ... Keep the faith ... and Believe in his word ... He did it for me and he will do it for you .....Be Blessed enjoy your weekend 
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria God longs to give you a glimpse of heaven while you are here on earth. He wants to show you His plan and bring it to pass in your life. Have you ever thought about how God’s will is accomplished in heaven? In heaven, God’s will is automatic. There are no opposing forces, no doubt, no enemy or anything that would come against His will. On earth, His will is done in our lives, first, when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior; and then, we must choose to come into agreement with His will on a daily basis through our thoughts, our words and our actions. On earth, we have to stand against the forces of doubt and darkness. We have to refuse those negative, self-defeating thoughts. As you open your heart to the Word of God and invite His will to be done in your life, you...

Be Blessed

" God is going to honor your obedience, faithfulness, sacrifice & perseverance. You've kept the faith, though it hasn't been easy. Your reward's coming! "  ~Dianna Hobbs   r eceived email from
What follows “I Am”? TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you...” (Job 22:28, NKJV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Have you ever considered the power of the statement, “I am”? What follows these two simple words will determine what kind of life you live. “I am blessed. I am strong. I am healthy.” Or, “I am slow. I am unattractive. I am stupid.” The “I am’s” that are coming out of your mouth will bring either success or failure. All through the day the power of “I am” is at work in our minds. Many times we use the power of “I am” against us. We don’t realize how it’s affecting our future. Here’s the principle. What follows the “I am” will always come looking for you. The good news is that you get to choose what follows the “I am.” When you go through the day saying, “I am blessed,” blessings c...
Speak to Your Mountains TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “And Jesus answered them, Truly I say to you, if you have faith (a firm relying trust) and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done.” (Matthew 21:21, AMP) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria We’ve all had seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming. During those times, it’s tempting to talk about how bad things are. Maybe you received a bad medical report, or maybe you’re facing a financial obstacle. But the more you talk about something, the bigger it becomes in your mind. Instead, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “No, I am not going to give life to that defeat. I am not going to speak sickness over myself. I’m not going to speak lack. I’m not going to speak fear....

Be Blessed

A New Season of Goodness TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “The tongue can bring death or life...” (Proverbs 18:21, NLT) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria God wants to do new and incredible things in your life! He has a new season of goodness in store for you today. The power to see His plan come to pass in your life is found in the power of your words. When you get in agreement with God, when you say what He says, that’s when things will change in your life. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. No one else chooses your words but you! You can speak forth seeds of life or seeds of death. What you have in your life today is a direct result of your words in the past, and what you will see in the future is a direct result of what you are speaking today. Why don’t you choose to bless your future? Why don’t you choose to declare that it’s a new ...
Freedom in Contentment TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria In life, sometimes it’s easy to get so focused on our dreams and goals that we tune out everything else. We can get to the point where we’re not going to be happy until we see those things happen. But I’ve found that if we have to have something in order to be happy, our lives are out of balance. When our goals and dreams start to frustrate us, and we lose our peace and don’t enjoy life, that’s a clear sign that we’re holding on too tightly. What’s the solution? You’ve got to release it. Freedom comes when you say, “God, I’m turning it all over to You. You know my desires and what’s best for me. I’m choosing to trust You and Your timing.” When we learn to be content whatever t...
Freedom in Forgetting TODAY’S SCRIPTURE “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” (Isaiah 43:18, NIV) TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria The Bible tells us that every person, no matter how much faith they have or how good they are, will face disappointments. It may be something simple like not getting a promotion you hoped for, or not closing a business deal you worked so hard on. Maybe you didn’t qualify for a house you really wanted, or maybe something more serious happened like a relationship not working out, the death of a loved one, or some kind of illness in your body. Whatever it may be, the reality is that we’re all going to suffer some setbacks. No matter what has happened, one of the main keys to overcoming disappointments is learning to let go of the past. If you feel “stuck” today, you may want to examine what you...