Tuesdays Tea .....
It's Done--It Just Hasn't
Manifested Yet
By Dianna Hobbs
Hate is a strong word, so
let's just say, when I was in college, I strongly disliked going to the
financial aid office in the beginning of the semester. This was always a time
when lines would be wrapped around the building and hours were spent waiting.
I didn't have a cell phone
back then. After a while, people-watching got mind-numbing. For the most
part, those who were stuck in that long, narrow hallway were doing the same
thing: twiddling their thumbs; shifting their weight from one leg to the
other; sitting on the floor; leaning up against a wall; reading a book; or
complaining to anyone who would listen about how annoyed they were with the
drawn-out process.
It was truly dreadful.
The worst moments were when,
after my slow-coming turn arrived, I'd get to the desk, only to be dryly
informed that I had forgotten some must-have piece of paperwork.
When I would hear "Next!"--code
for get out of the way because I cannot help you--I cannot describe the level
of frustration that would go surging through my body.
I knew I would have to
traipse across campus and return to the back of the line.
So aggravating!
Well, I remember one
particular semester, I was desperate for things to work out. My financial aid
had not come through and it was the last day for tuition to be paid before I
got kicked out of my classes.
When I approached the desk, I
explained my situation.
"I have all my paperwork
here," I told the woman who looked worn out and completely uncaring. She
looked like she wanted to yell out my least favorite word-Next!-but she
"Here's the amount I am
receiving," I said, pointing to my award letter, "but it hasn't
come through and I have to pay for my courses today."
So she asked me for my
information and began tapping on the computer. "I'm sorry, but there's
nothing showing up here, and there's nothing we can do about that."
She didn't know the kind of
day I'd had.
Everything that could, had
gone wrong. I was exhausted and now, deeply disappointed that I would not be
able to continue taking courses.
Can you say hurt?
I remember praying earnestly
under my breath, begging for God to intervene.
Seeing my eyes well up with
tears must have pricked the usually cold lady's heart. As I was collecting
all my paperwork and preparing to drag my feet out the door, she sighed and
said, "You have everything there on paper, but it's not here on the computer.
Well, uh, let me just look again."
Shaking her head and
appearing sad while staring at the monitor told me all I needed to know.
It wasn't happening.
But then, she said, "Oh,
wait a minute!" while tapping frantically at the computer keys. "It's
showing up! It just popped up on the screen just now. It's all here. That's
I looked, shocked. She turned
the screen toward me so I could verify what she said. Sure enough, all the
resources I needed from grants, plus some extra, were sitting in my school
"That has never happened
to me before!" she smiled, happy for me.
I wanted to run and scream
down the hall, but I just let out a relieved, "Oh, thank you God!"
Later, I went to church and
testified about God doing just what I needed in the nick of time. I was so