He Orchestrates
Your Life |
“There are many
plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the LORD’s counsel — that will stand.”
(Proverbs 19:21,
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God is a strategic God. He
has laid out an exact plan for our lives down to the smallest details. God
knows the people you’re going to need to fulfill your destiny. He knows who
is going to need to give you a good break and who is going to need to put in
a good word for you. He knows when someone is going to need to be there to
help you out of a difficult time. God has it all figured out. He is not vague
or approximate. God is orchestrating our lives down to the very second,
causing us to be at the right place at the right time so we can meet the
right people that He ordained before the foundation of the world.
I can look back over my life
and see time and time again where God directed my steps down to the exact
moment. If I had been ten seconds earlier or ten seconds later, I would have
missed an opportunity. Today, be encouraged because your times are in His
hands. He orchestrates your life, so keep your faith and trust in Him.
Father, thank You
for orchestrating my life. I trust that my times are in Your hands. I trust
that You are working things out for my good as I keep my faith and hope in
You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel &
Victoria Osteen
Today's word
Trusting God – Do you have faith –? What is faith – faith gives substance to the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So how is ones faith tested –? When the going gets tough do we abandon our God – do we jump ship because we are “going through” The answer is NO , as Christians we must keep the faith – even when it does not look good or feel good – you have to know its working for the good – you must learn the lesson – the season of testing – your harvest season is over – it’s time for reaping your reward – you stood the good fight - they lied on you, they cheated on you, they ignored you, your finances fell so below it’s a wonder you are still standing- and yet through it all you kept harvesting and trusting – storing up on his word and planting good seeds. The bible says : Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 - For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to pl...