A Word from Pastor Sheryl Brady
I hate bullies! I can’t stand to see someone who seemingly
has the upper hand take an unfair advantage of someone else. They make threats
and cause havoc all because they think they can. I’ve noticed that, most of the
time, a bully is all talk. They will make you think they are going to do
something to you but it turns out they were just trying to scare you into
believing they are more important than they really were.
If anyone can give us insight into the adverse effects of
giving in to a bully’s threats it would be Elijah. In 1 Kings 19 you’ll
discover a man who has just been used by God to utterly destroy over 400
prophets of Baal. He was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things. But
after this great victory he was suddenly caught in the grips of a paralyzing
fear because of threats on his life by Jezebel. Always remember that the enemy
won’t bother with anyone who is not doing something great for God.
Have you ever felt life’s subtle and not so subtle threats?
You’re just coasting along and life suddenly sucker punches you so hard that
you can’t seem to catch your breath. Maybe it’s a devastating diagnosis or
receiving the news that your marriage is ending. It could be the report that
says your child is failing in school. Whatever it is, I’m telling you it’s just
a threat.
Elijah ran for his life after hearing what the queen
threatened to do to him. God had a plan for his life but he chose to believe
the words of someone who had no real power. Sound familiar? Our enemy gets in
our ear and tells us we won’t recover from the illness or get the promotion or
lose the weight. We have to make up our minds to believe God’s word and not the
enemy. Worry and doubt won’t change a thing but Faith will.
When you are feeling the pressure of life’s threats just
remember that Jesus came that we might have life and to have it more abundantly
(John 10:10). If the diagnosis comes back negatively, believe God to be a
healer. If your marriage is falling apart, believe God to be a restorer and a
sustainer. And, if your child is failing in school, hire a tutor :) Have Life!
I hope this encourages you today. If you know someone who could benefit from reading it, please share it with them. If you’d like this entire teaching for your library, visit www.sherylbrady.com/havelife for more information. You’ll find a wealth of resources including ministry videos and mentorship moments on this very subject. Thank you for being such a vital part of this ministry. Your prayers, love and support have kept this ministry going for over 30 years. I’m grateful for that!
reveived via email from Sheryl Brady Ministries