A message from Bishop Jakes .......
Today is going to be a day of breakthrough in your life!
You've been praying,
interceding, petitioning God for something that has been weighing on your
heart. You may have begun to think it wasn't going to happen. Well, I am
standing in faith with you today, knowing that . . .
Ye shall receive it!
It's not wrong to desire things from God; you can approach
Him in prayer with the desires of your heart. 1 Corinthians 2:7-10 says that
the Spirit of God reveals to you the things that God is preparing for you. You
may not have seen it in the natural, but it is being revealed to your spirit.
That means when you
spend time with God, it is the Holy Spirit giving you that desire, those
dreams, that passion. It's time for you to start believing what He's telling
you so you can receive!
Seeds of faith sown
in prayer will always reap a harvest.
And your harvest is
coming in due season. But first there are some things you need to realize in
order to receive what you've been praying for . . .
Give God your
desires. Too many believers have given
up on the desires of their heart. They don't want anything anymore. Somewhere
along the way they stopped asking God for His goodness.
Recapture that
hunger. Recapture that desire. Recapture that spiritual appetite ?for more.
Get in your prayer
closet. We need to get back to that
place of prayer. When you pray, God will show you what desires are of Him and
what desires are of the flesh. When your desires have been purged through the
fire of prayer, watch out! Get ready to receive. Believe you have it. Jesus said
to believe first and then you can receive. Faith precedes provision. You can't
receive something in the natural until you've received it first in the spirit.
Desire, pray, and believe. Then ye shall receive it!
Bishop Jakes
received via email from national@thepottershouse3.org on behalf of; T.D. Jakes Ministries, Inc.