Prominent Ministers and Faith Leaders Endorse President Barack Obama WE BELIEVE...

Affirmation of Faith in God; Faith in Democracy;
and, Faith in President Barack Obama
"We Believe that the Lord has anointed us to preach the gospel to the poor, and
has sent us to proclaim release of the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind,
to set free those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."
Luke 4:18-19

Washington, DC....."We Believe in a Government of the people, by the people and
for the people.
We believe that no one should ever write off privately or publicly forty-seven percent
of God's children.
We believe in affordable healthcare. We believe that 'no child should be left behind.'
We believe that a circle of protection, and safety net of care, uplift, and provision
should always be available for the poor and underserved, below which they should
never be allowed to fall.
We Believe that it was right to save the automobile industry and thereby save millions
of jobs, families and businesses, large and small. We believe that it was right
to prevent the auto industry from declining into bankruptcy.
We Believe in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Bills of 1964 and 1965.
We believe they should never be weakened but strengthened.

We Believe in equal pay for equal work as found in the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay
We believe that workers ought to have the right to organize for economic justice.
We Believe in comprehensive child care.

We Believe that public education should be strengthened with more high quality teachers,
better facilities, and in a safe and motivating environment. "We Believe that college
education should be affordable for every American.

We Believe in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
We believe that none of these should ever be privatized, today, tomorrow or anytime.

We Believe that it was right to end the War in Iraq and to commit to bring our troops

home from Afghanistan by 2014.
We further believe that those wounded in battle and their families should be protected

and cared for with honor and respect.
We Believe our Nation is moving forward toward recovery, methodically, deliberately

and progressively.
We know that in 2008 our nation was headed for unprecedented economic depression,

with unemployment at 10.8% and 800,000 jobs lost per month.In four years, this impending

disaster has been reversed and we are moving in the right direction.
"We Believe that Moses, Joshua, Esther, Ruth, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah and Jesus

the Christ, our Redeemer, guide us in the way of justice, love, salvation, liberation,

and reconciliation.
"We Believe in leadership with moral courage, integrity, and consistency in commitment

and principles.
"We Believe that Malachi was right when he said 'have we not all one Father? Has

not One God created us?' (Malachi 2:10).
We believe that we are all God's children. We believe in the sanctity of all life
from womb to tomb, from cradle to grave, in nursery and kindergarten, employed,

underemployed, and unemployed.
We believe that no one should be demonized, marginalized or criminalized because
they hold positions and ideas different from our own.

"We Believe that pro-life means protecting all life; from pre-birth to birth, to
infancy, childhood, every age and stage into eternity. We believe that pro-life
means protecting human rights, civil rights, voting rights, health care, child
care, elder care, and environmental care.

We believe in Head Start, a moral start, a safe start, an equal start, a fast start,
a healthy start, for all of God's children.
We Believe that the Affordable Health Care Bill should NOT be repealed, leaving
over 30 million Americans without basic health care.
We Believe in the ballot, early voting, absentee voting, seven days a week for every
citizen, in every state, in every election.
We Believe that voter suppression is evil, unconstitutional and undemocratic. "We
believe in Democracy here, now and always. "Because we believe these things, we
strongly support the re-election of President Barack Obama without equivocation,
hesitation, or reservation." sent via email to from Dee Marshall @ Girlfriendspray

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